Otters Class Y5
Big Question: How Did The Victorians Change Britain?
Term 3
The focus of our learning this term, is around the engaging text of 'Street Child' By Berlie Doherty.
In our writing lessons, we are starting by being inspired by the historical story of Street Child and writing our own versions of this. We will be learning to convey characters using dialogue and advancing the action of our stories. We will then move on to write a non-chronological report discussing the lives of children in Victorian Britain.
In maths this term, we will be learning how to multiply and divide larger numbers using formal methods. Later on in the term we will be learning to multiply fractions and find fractions of an amount.
Throughout our learning this term, we will focus our history learning of 'Victorian Britain' by looking at the life of Queen Victoria, the Industrial Revolution, Medicine, Inventions and Leisure Time.
In RE we focus on 'Freedom and Justice'. Our theme in PSHE is Dreams and Goals; in music will be learning to sing and play 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele on the glockenspiel and science will be learning about 'Properties and Changes of Materials.'
Our PE days are Tuesday (Handball) and Thursday (Lacrosse) for this term.
Just a little reminder that Mrs Cutts will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Miles will be teaching on a Thursday and Friday. Should you need to contact us please email;
Thank you so much for your continued support,
Mrs Cutts, Mrs Miles, Mrs Bradley and Mrs Miller (The Year 5 Team)