Otters Class Y5
Term 1
BIG QUESTION: How has space travel changed over time?
Welcome back Year 5! We hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday where you made plenty of memories! We are excited to begin our first term together and get stuck into our exciting learning.
The focus of our learning this term, is around the engaging text of 'Wonder ' by R J Palacio.
In our writing lessons, we are starting by learning about the condition Treacher-Collins syndrome, which effects the boy from our class text. We will be researching and writing a non-chronological report. Then we will be writing a balanced argument and finishing our term with some narrative writing about a new planet! The final unit of writing, focuses on our history and science topics of space and space travel.
In maths this term, we will be looking at place value of numbers up to 1,000,000 then addition and subtraction. It is important this year to build on the multiplication check to ensure the children are still practising their times tables up to 12 x 12.
Throughout our learning this term, we will focus our learning around space and how space travel has evolved over time. We will be studying the Artist, Peter Thorpe, who created vivid and textural paintings of planets. The children will learn about the artist and build up to creating their own colourful planet pastel picture.
In RE we focus on understanding Christianity and answer the question 'What is it like for Christians to believe God is holy and loved?' Our theme in PSHE is Being Me in the World; music will learning to sing and play along to the Bon Jovi classic of Livin' on a Prayer and Computing is learning about computers and systems and French is Getting to Know You.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday for this term.
Just a little reminder that Mrs Cutts will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Miles will be teaching on a Thursday and Friday. Should you need to contact us please email;
We are very lucky to have Miss Rattigan with us throughout the year; she is training to become a teacher and so will take on more teaching responsibility as the year goes on.
Thank you so much for your continued support,
Mrs Cutts, Mrs Miles, Miss Rattigan and Mrs Sims (The Year 5 Team)