Term 2
Week Seven
Wow! What a busy final week of term it has been!
We were so proud of the children in their nativity performances on Monday and Tuesday afternoon - they were so excited to perform to an audience, we hope you enjoyed it as much as they did!
In maths this week we have been learning the differences between 2D and 3D shapes - naming, describing and sorting. We did some super writing in English to recount our nativity experience.
Wednesday we enjoyed our Christmas lunch in the hall and wearing our very funky hats that we made!
We have enjoyed playing Christmas games and working more on our mouse skills in computing, lots of Christmas craft in art and learning more about the Three Kings in R.E. In D.T, we designed and made Christmas crispy cakes. Yum!
On the last day of term, we had a special whole school worship where we performed 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' to the rest of the school. We had a great time at Windsor Woods and enjoyed our Christmas party in the afternoon - dancing in the hall with the disco lights on!
Miss. Glenister and I would like to say a huge thank you so much for the kind cards and generous gifts received. We hope that you all have a super Christmas break and a very happy new year. See you in January!
Nativity 2023: Christmas With the Aliens 🎄👽
Christmas Lunch! 🎅
Windsor Woods Fun 🌳
Week Six
We have had a busy but excellent week! We enjoyed performing our nativity for the pre-school on Wednesday and for the whole of KS2 on Thursday! We also enjoyed watching the KS2 service and singing some carols together. We have decorated our classroom and it's starting to feel like Christmas here in Year One!
We have been learning all about 3D shapes in maths this week and impressed with our sorting and naming skills! We have been doing some super Christmas writing and preparing some very special cards!
We had our final hockey session with Dave and Kay on Wednesday afternoon and showed off the amazing skills we have developed this term. In R.E, we have been learning about the Christmas story and why we give gifts at Christmas time. We have enjoyed Christmas craft throughout the week and our final Jigsaw lesson learning about celebrating differences. Have a great time at the Christmas fayre and a super weekend!
We're looking forward to seeing everybody at our nativity performances on Monday and Tuesday afternoon!
Week Five
This week we have been using our phonics to help us spell words independently. We have been writing shopping lists and 'ingredients' to make a good friend, inspired by our reading of 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright.
In maths, we have been finding 'fact families' - writing addition and subtraction sentences from part-whole models.
In R.E this week, we started learning about why Christmas is so important for Christians. We learned about the time of advent and what this means.
In art, we were using warm and cool colours in the style of the artist Hazel Thomson.
We used paint to create trees that represent the changing seasons. We had our "best hockey lesson yet" in the words of Dave, who was so impressed with the skill demonstrated in our P.E session this week. It was
amazing! In computing, we have been 'painting digitally' - using line and shape tools.
We have been busy preparing for our upcoming nativity performance. Thank you for the costumes so far - if the rest could be in by Monday that would be fantastic!
Art: Using warm and cool colours like Hazel Thomson 🎨
Hockey 🏑
Week Four
This week in phonics we have been learning the /or/ as 'aw' sound.
We have been writing for purpose this week and making sure that we give our names, and other names, capital letters.
In maths, we have been learning all about subtraction! We have learned to use numicon to find missing parts - and are beginning to write more fluent number sentences of our own into our maths books.
In science, we have been collecting information about the weather! We learned about 'meteorologists' and using symbols to read weather reports. We observed the weather during the week and used a symbol to represent each day, as well as collecting and measuring rainfall through the week.
We enjoyed applying our hockey skills to some mini-games in P.E this week with Dave and Kay. In Jigsaw with Miss. Glenister, we have been learning about how to be good friends - and what to do if we ever spot signs of bullying.
We had a fun session with Venture Sports on Friday, saying goodbye to Jack and playing some fun ball games together. Miss Dobson, our new student teacher, joined us this week to get to know the class a little better. We enjoyed our history lesson from Miss Dobson on Friday, learning how to order and sequence the events of The Gunpowder Plot. Miss Dobson is back off to university now, but will return in a few months time to see us again.
Venture Sports Session 🏀
Week Three
This week in phonics, we have been learning the split digraph 'u-e' and the short /oo/ written as 'u' and 'oul'. We have been writing super sentences and finished the week with some amazing independent writing all about Pudsey bear! In maths, we have been using addition to solve word problems.
In science, we learned about how the seasons change and what is appropriate to wear in autumn. We had a super session with Ian in Kic Theatre, exploring the historical story of Guy Fawkes through role-play and drama. We pretended that we were guards, kings and sneaky plotters climbing through secret tunnels which was great fun.
We had our first outdoor session of hockey this week and enjoyed playing some games now that we are more confident holding and using our hockey sticks.
Friday was great fun celebrating BBC Children in Need - everyone looked fantastic in their spots and bright colours! We made the most of the sunshine and visited Windsor Woods to finish off a busy week.
We have begun rehearsing for our nativity performance so every day is full of singing and dancing which has been wonderful!
P.E: Hockey with Dave and Kay!
Friday Fun in Windsor Woods 🌳
Kic Theatre: The Story of Guy Fawkes
Week Two
What a busy week it has been! In phonics, we have been learning more ways to make the 'oa' sound as 'o-e'. We have also been learning the 'oo' sound as 'ew' and 'ue'. In English, we have been learning to write captions to explain pictures. We have enjoyed reading 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and re-telling parts of the story by writing independently.
We have been working more on addition in maths this week - revising our number bonds to 10 and writing addition sentences from part-whole and bar models.
We did some excellent salt-painting in art at the beginning of the week to create firework pictures in small groups. We had to follow a few tricky steps but did a great job and worked together very well. In history, we learned what happened to Guy Fawkes and the plotters and considered how they may have been feeling with some role-play and speech bubble work.
We enjoyed our second session with Dave and Suzie for hockey and learned all about the four seasons in science.
At the end of the week, we considered what "poppy day" really means and created some beautiful paintings and drawings. At the end of the week in Jigsaw with Miss. Glenister, we began our new unit of learning which is all about celebrating difference.
Art: Salt-painting firework displays!
Week One
This week in phonics, we have been revising the 'oa' sound, and learning to make the 'oa' as 'ow'. In English earlier this week, we were writing independent sentences to describe pumpkins that we designed! We also completed an acrostic poem this week all about bonfire night coming this weekend.
In maths, we have been using numicon to help us to write independent number sentences. We have been exploring number bonds and using 'systems' like double-sided counters to find all possibilities.
We had a brilliant, musical start to the week at Becky's workshop - exploring all things harp! It was great fun and we saw incredible progress in a short time.
We are learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot in history this term! We now know that history is learning about events that happened in the past, or 'the olden days' (as lots of the children kept calling it!)
Year One enjoyed learning more about why we celebrate bonfire night and can't wait to find out what happened next in the plotter's curious plan...
In P.E this week, we had our first hockey session with Dave and Suzie. We listened really well and learned some important skills - like how to hold our hockey stick safely and control a ball.
At the end of the week, we began learning our nativity songs which was especially exciting! You can look forward to those being stuck in your heads very soon!
Have a lovely weekend!