Collective Worship is an integral part of school life at Lyminge Church of England Primary School.
The Government says:
All maintained schools must provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development. Local agreed RE syllabuses for county schools and equivalent grant-maintained schools must in future reflect the fact that religious traditions in the country are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions.
Collective worship in county schools and equivalent grant-maintained schools must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character, though not distinctive of any particular Christian denomination.
The Diocese of Canterbury says:
Collective worship in Diocesan schools in Canterbury Diocese schools is a highly valued and set apart time in the school day and week, where the whole school community can gather together in a time that is honoring and worthy to God.
All schools are required by law to provide pupils/students with a daily act of collective worship regardless of whether or not they are a Church school. The difference with church schools lies in the fact that all acts of worship must be Christian. This means that they should be based on the Bible and the life and teaching of Jesus. The whole school community involves all pupils and all staff, unless they have sought the right to withdraw from acts of worship.