Term 2 gallery
Week 1 term 2
This week we began lots of new topics including a fraction topic for Maths. We wrote poetry using WW1 poets for inspiration. We also research local soldiers in preparation for our Remembrance Service next week. In Art, Year 6 created very effective Remembrance hand pictures. In Science, we began our electricity topic, creating scientific symbols and in French we looked at French culture and places of interest. In P.E we began our OAA and gymnastics. In Computing we have started to use BBC Micro:bits and came up with LED logos.
OAA team building games (and Mr Day with his wheelbarrow!)
Science circuits
Week 2 term 2
This week Year 6 made us incredibly proud, representing the school at the memorial. They read poetry, prayers and lay crosses. At the church, they found their soldier and lit a candle to remember.
At school, Year 6 have continued with their fraction work (adding and subtracting when the denominator is different). In English, we have started our non-chronological reports on our new History topic - the Vikings. In History, we looked at different sources to decide if the Vikings were raiders or traders. In French, we looked at French greetings and in Computing we had a go at designing a Micro:bit for a BBC Gladiators competition. We also coded games with them such as Rock, Paper, Scissors. In Science, we investigated the affect of cells on bulb brightness and in P.E we even had a boxing workshop!
Rock, paper, scissors micro:bit coding
Week 3 term 2
This week we carried on with our Maths fraction work, looking at how to multiply and divide fractions by using the KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP method! Don't forget our rap! In English, we have been creating amazing double pages spreads about the Vikings for our non chronological report topic. In Computing, we continued to use our Micro:bits and created clickers that added and took away. We also created games including a Magic 8 ball! In P.E we continued with our OAA and as a team building activity, we had great fun doing the hoop game!! Amazing team work! In French we looked at French greetings and in Music we accompanied our 'Happy' song with the glockenspiels! In Science we have continued investigating circuits and in History we created 'Living Graphs' of different Viking events, deciding if it meant the vikings had control of England or not.
OAA in P.E - hoop challenge
Week 4 term 3
This week Year 6 did their PiXL assessment and began their gothic stories, using inspiration from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. In Maths they found fractions of amounts and were really enjoyed a Money Matters workshop. In Music we continued putting musical instruments together to accompany Happy and in P.E we continued with our OAA orienteering. In Computing we created buzzer games using the micro:bits.
Money Matter workshop
Buzzer game
Week 5 term 3
In English Year 6 continued with their gothic stories, this week creating their own using inspiration from the Victorian stories shared. In Maths we started a new metric measurement unit and spent a day looking at imperial measurements too. Year 6 enjoyed the build-up to Christmas with Presents for Parents. In Computing we created reaction games and alarms. Did it work on Mrs Vincer?! Check below!
Alarm testing
Week 6 term 3
This week Year 6 had a go at some Christmas Maths including a 12 Days of Christmas problem solving activity and calcograms. Year 6 finished their gothic stories this week... lots of spooky goings on! We had a visit from our class governor, Dr Sarah Montgomery and had a question and answer session. It is definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas... this week we watched the wonderful KS2 nativity and had our Christmas lunch. In preparation for DT day next week, we began sawing frames and planning designs for our controllable cars. In History, we had a go at a Viking trading game.
Viking trading game
Week 7
This week was a wonderful Christmas week, creating Christingles and then taking part in a Christingle Service in the hall. There was lots of card making and even a Secret Santa! We had a DT day to make controllable cars with fun Christmas designs and used the glockenspiels to play Christmas tunes! We ended the final week with a fun quiz!