Term 3 gallery
Week 1 term 3
This week we had a busy first week back.. as well as a 5 minute appearance of snow which we enjoyed running outside of class to see! In English we have started looking at detective stories and read some Sherlock Holmes. In Maths we began our Ratio topic and in Science we have started to look at animals including humans. We attempted to act out the circulatory system in the hall! In P.E we have had handball and football. In Geography we looked at the difference between the U.K and Great Britain. In Music we got out the instruments to begin our Samba band! Watch this space!! In Computing we programmed a Kodu and on Wednesday Miss Glenister began the French topic (animals) and PHSE (setting goals).
Week 2 term 3
This week we continued with our ratio topic in Maths, solving ratio and proportion problems including for ingredients for recipes. In English Year 6 wrote up their detective stories, using some of the class ideas and developing their clues, suspects and even some red herrings! In Kodu we created race tracks and made 2-player racing games... the adults got very competitive! In Science we looked at what blood is made up of and created our own blood. In P.E we have improved our handball and football skills. In Music we have been learning some different 'call and response' for our Samba music. In Geography this week we located different cities in the U.K and PSHE AND French was covered with Miss Glenister again this week. On Friday some of wore sporting outfits.... including a baseball player and hotdog!