Thank you for visiting the PFA (Parents’ and Friends’ Association) page of the school’s website. We are lucky enough to have an amazing team of parents who support us in our fundraising events and would love to meet more of you!
The committee this academic year (2023/24) is comprised of:
Chairperson | Christelle King |
Secretary | Gemma Best |
Treasurer | Tara Anderson |
We have a number of events that we run each year as they have proved so successful in the past but we are also keen to hear new ideas.
The key role for the PFA is to raise funds to help towards various school initiatives such as IT equipment, outdoor play equipment or school trips etc. The children and teachers have a say in how the money is spent, and we know it is invaluable in helping the school fund purchases which they otherwise would have to go without.
We also lend a helping hand at many of the school events, setting up beforehand and clearing away after. If you are able to offer 30 minutes help at any of the events, it is most welcome - school discos, summer fayre, presents for parents....or if you fancy baking some tasty treats for our bake sales or counting jumps on the Easter sponsored bounce, please contact us at or in the school playground.
All parents, grandparents and carers are welcome to join the PFA - which simply entails turning up to our meetings (usually once a term and they will be advertised in the school newsletter and PFA termly newsletter) or contacting one of us to offer help at one of the many school events throughout the year. The meetings are an hour long and at them we discuss what is coming up, where we need help and any new ideas which might help raise funds. Please do join in - it does not take up a lot of your time but every parent that offers help really makes a difference.
Regular newsletters are sent via email termly through the School communications system. We also aim to send out reminders when a meeting is approaching and will upload minutes on this PFA web page.
We look forward to meeting with you.
With very best wishes,
Christelle King