School Uniform
We have chosen our uniform to be practical, comfortable, affordable and easy for children to manage by themselves. All the basic uniform items can be purchased from any major supermarket or chain store, with the option of some uniform items (in asterisk) personalised for our school available online from Price and Buckland at:
Second-hand uniform can also be purchased with all donations to the PFA. Please contact Tara Anderson on 07960548977 to place your requests.
If the cost of school uniform remains a concern, please contact the school office, as we may be able to offer help.
Lyminge Church of England Primary School uniform consists of:
- Grey pinafore dress or skirt or trousers
- White school polo shirt* or white blouse/shirt
- School sweatshirt*, School cardigan* or royal blue cardigan
- Grey or white socks or tights
- Navy school coat*/coat
- Blue and white checked dress or
- White school polo shirt* and grey shorts/trousers
- Grey or White socks
Black shoes should be worn with no coloured trims or soles.
P.E. (All)
School PE shirt* or plain white short sleeve T shirt
Royal blue shorts*
Black plimsolls
Trainers for outdoor games
Blue or grey track suit/ joggers & top for outdoor activities in winter (optional)
Drawstring bag for PE*
Swimming costume/towel for Years 3/4 in summer term (with
swim hat needed for long hair)