Term 6
Week Seven
The final week of term! It's been busy for sure, but we've had a great last week in Hedgehogs Class.
We kicked off the week with our Kings and Queens day - everybody looked amazing and we enjoyed spending the day together being very fancy!
On Tuesday, we said goodbye to Year 6 in their special assembly and played cricket with Owl Class and Badgers Class in the afternoon! We finished off our learning all about time this week - showing off some very impressive skills when telling the time to the hour and half past!
We had great fun on Wednesday during our transition afternoon, and celebrated the last day in style on Thursday with a goodbye assembly for Mrs. Wolfram and ice lollies (in the classroom, thanks to our lovely Summer weather!)
We would like to say a HUGE thank you for the thoughtful cards, generous gifts and kind notes that we have received from children and parents - they really do mean a lot.
This class are amazing, and we are really going to miss them. Luckily, they'll just be next door and we can continue to watch them shine in Year 2!
Have a wonderful holiday - see you in September!
Our royal day! 👑
Sharing our Little. Miss and Mr. Men stories with Owl Class 📚
Week Six
This week in maths we have been learning all about time! We've worked on ordering and writing the days of the week and months of the year. We have also learned more about seconds, minutes and hours! In English, we have had lots of fun creating and writing our own Mr. Men and Little. Miss stories! Year 1 have been super creative and it looks like we will be finishing the year with some very impressive writing. We'll be sure to send home a final copy next week once they're completed.
In science this week, we learned how to identify different types of trees using an identification key. We looked at colours, shapes, textures and patterns to find the correct names. On Tuesday afternoon, we really enjoyed watching the Year 6 performance of Shrek which was amazing! We had another transition session with Owl Class and Badgers Class on Wednesday afternoon, and used our Jigsaw time this week to talk about what we are proud of this year. We had lots of fun with Hi-5 on the field on Friday morning, playing lots of games for the final P.E session with them this year.
Friday afternoon was more excitement as we spent the afternoon in the forest with Liz!
Can you believe there's only 4 days to go!? Have a super weekend!
Forest School Afternoon 🌲
Week Five
What a busy week it has been! In English, we have been working on our sentence writing skills - inspired by 'The Very Last Castle'. In maths, we have been learning more about money - identifying and counting in coins and notes!
In science this week we went on a wild and garden plant scavenger hunt in Windsor Woods which was lots of fun! We managed to tick off everything on our list! We compared Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria in history this week, learning more about how they ruled as different queens.
We had an exciting D.T day on Wednesday, working together to design and build our amazing castles! We had to include a drawbridge and try to make our structures as strong as possible! We were really impressed with the teamwork and creative ideas we saw!
Friday was even more exciting as we headed off to Dover Castle! We had a wonderful day - thankfully a bit of a breeze and it was very quiet so we were able to explore very well! We climbed up to the roof, took a seat on the throne, went underground to the defence tunnels, a naughty bird left a surprise on George's head (thank goodness for the hat!) and we enjoyed a picnic with our friends! The behaviour was so good that we earned ourselves not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 hedgehogs which I'm told is a world record!
I'm sure the children are all a little bit tired now - the coach journey was a lot quieter on the way home than the way there! 😀 Have a wonderful weekend!
Our class trip to Dover Castle!
Garden and wild plant scavenger hunt! 🌸
Week Four
This week in maths we completed our place value learning and started our next unit which is all about money! We identified the value of different coins - finding similarities and differences. We've been working really hard on our castle diary entries in English - using adjectives to describe monsters, giants and snakes!
We identified the parts of a plant in science this week. We also moved our bean plants from the classroom to our garden plot by Windsor Woods. They are so getting so big now, they needed a new home!
In R.E this week, we thought about why Jesus is named as a King. We had a fun transition afternoon with YR and Y2; and enjoyed learning more about using ScratchJr in computing!
In P.S.H.E, we learned to name different parts of boys and girls bodies. We were very sensible and impressed Miss Glenister with how much we knew! We enjoyed working on our throwing skills with Hi-5 in P.E on Friday afternoon. On Friday, we also enjoyed seeing members of our class perform in their Music Theory Assembly. Well done to all involved, and well done to the rest of the class for being such a brilliant audience!
Next week's an exciting one with our trip to look forward to on Friday!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Science: Planting our very big broad beans!
Music Theory Assembly ♫
Week Three
What a busy week it has been! On Monday afternoon, we had a brilliant afternoon in the forest school with Liz! We enjoyed a scavenger hunt, searching for bugs, looking at froglets, playing in the mud kitchen and of course roasting marshmallows on the fire! It was great fun and we learned a lot - thank you to the PFA!
In English this week, we have been reading 'The Very Last Castle' by Travis Jonker. We have started writing diary entries from the perspective of the main character as she explores a very magical place. In maths, we have been learning how to partition numbers to 100 - consolidating our understanding of place value.
We learned about how people become kings and queens in history, and made a family tree of our own! In art, we followed a guided drawing to sketch a dragon! These really were amazing - we spoke a lot about perseverance here and did a GREAT job!
Thank you to Rupert's mum who impressed the class with her amazing apple talk this week! Thank you for the delicious apples too!
On Thursday we had a great time at 'Firefighter Fitness' - a great way to team fire safety and P.E all in one!
We had loads of fun!
Finally - Sports Day on Friday! We were really impressed with the examples of sportsmanship and teamwork that we saw. Well done to all of the winners, to everybody who tried their best, and everybody that was able to cheer on and support other people!
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Forest School Afternoon! 🐛
Firefighter fitness!
Art: Sketching dragons following a guided drawing! 🐉
Sports Day!
Week Two
This week we have completed our phonics screening and moved onto our phase 6 phonics sounds! We were so impressed with everybody's hard work during the short assessments, and will share these results with you once we are able to. In maths this week, we have been learning all about position and direction. We've been using mathematical language such as 'left', 'right', 'above' and 'below'. We've also learned about ordinal numbers and how we can describe position using '1st', '2nd', '3rd' etc.
In Science this week we planted our very own broad beans! We learned what a seed needs for it to grow, and are looking forward to observing the changes of our beans as they grow (fingers crossed!)
In history, we learned about Kings and Queens through time and drew pictures to represent them on a timeline in pairs. We completed our self-portraits in art, which look fantastic hanging up in our classroom! We really enjoyed guessing the name of baby photo's in P.S.H.E, learning about physical changes as babies grow. In computing, we experimented more with ScratchJr and worked on the bee-bots to program and code simple instructions!
We had lots of fun on Thursday afternoon, having busy learning with Owl Class and Badgers Class!
On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed relay races with Hi-5 in P.E on the field!
Monday afternoon next week is an exciting one as we have our forest school session, arranged by the PFA. Please apply sun-cream in the morning and send children to school wearing clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, and a hat!
Have a lovely, sunny weekend!
Our amazing self-portraits! 👑
Week One
This week we began learning all about kings and queens! In history, we learned what a monarch is and considered good qualities that a monarch must had. We created a list of rules for people to follow if we were made king or queen!
In English, we have been learning the classic rhyme 'Sing a Song of Sixpence'. We have been re-telling the story using sentences of our own full of amazing adjectives! We have also been working on our comprehension skills - using text to answer retrieval based questions.
In maths, we have been checking our understanding of concepts covered so far. We have also started our new unit which is all about position and direction. We've been learning how to describe turns as half turns, quarter turns and full turns.
We used a grid in art this week to help us with the scale and positioning of some very special self-portraits. We followed a series of instructions to draw ourselves as king or queen. They look amazing so far and we are excited to add some colour to these next week! We learned about lifecycles in P.S.H.E and discussed how animals and humans change as they grow. In computing, we have been programming animations using ScratchJr for the first time. We learned to give simple directions and to move our sprite in different directions. We enjoyed our first athletics session with Hi-5 this Friday on the field, working on our sprint starts!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!